Our Student Leaders are developing their skills in community service.
We want to help our local community by supporting environmental and social community groups.
The team works with the Thames/Coromandel District Council. We have begun a beach cleaning and dune planting projects and are raising seedlings for future projects through Trees for Survival. We are planting out local We love our beach and want to help keep it rubbish free!
Our Head students represent us at the Pauanui Anzac Day service and speak on our behalf.
The team have begun to help out at fundraising events.
We run regular class hui and involve our classes in decision making and all school events.
Community Service
Classes pot, care for and then plant native trees, shrubs and grasses along our local waterways. Working with our neighbouring farmers to protect our streams and rivers.
In groups of two, the team carefully move over the dunes, stepping between newly planted vegetation.
We sort out rubbish and then recycle what we can.
This tradition is a valued part of our leadership programme. Our senior students have the opportunity to write and share a speech at the Pauanui ANZAC service. This is an honour and a privilege.